Trip to California and The Magically Mundane Workshop

Ever since I decided to follow my heart and become a motherhood photographer, I have been searching for a way to capture motherhood in the most beautiful ways, to create photographs that are soul-filled, genuine, raw and just…so motherly. I adore many motherhood photographers and love their work, but the one stands out the most is Alexandria Smith from @lovedaphnemae. Alex is the kindest and most beautiful soul I’ve ever met. The way that she loves her children and cherishes every moments that she has with them got translated into her photographs - the kind moves your heart, makes you love your children more and wish that you could be photographed just like that. Alex was the teacher whom I’ve been searching for.

I signed up for her Magically Mundane Workshop the moment she announced it and it was my most looking-forward-to event of 2019. The 1.5 days was so short but has brought me the most wonderful experience. There were a total of 11 photographers/women in the room. We started the day with hot breakfast that Alex prepared for us. We spent the whole morning talking about all the feely stuff (i.e. being a mother, moments in life, time with your children, etc), the business (i.e. your voice, ideal clients, marketing, and etc.) and the technical which is film, digital, editing and poses. We had a lunch break and Alex made us the most tasty, delicious salad I’ve ever tasted. Seriously, it was so good that I wanted to eat again but too bad they don’t have the sauce at Costco over here.

In the afternoon, we met and photographed two beautiful families. They were incredibly kind and put their trust in us 100%. It was during this shoot that I learned more about posing, choosing light and composing the shot. All the good stuff! Once we finished, we each had a few minutes with Alex with 1:1 portfolio review - the part that I was also looking forward to. We then concluded our day with a dinner at a local Italian restaurant where we spoke and connected more with each other.

This workshop has not only changed my perspectives in capturing mothers, but the way I see myself as a mother and how I want to spend time with my own children and family. Day 1 was amazing and eye-opening. I walked away learning so much and one of the lessons was intentionality:

  • Being intentional with every shot I click. Instead of clicking the shutter away, I learned to slow down, connect, wait for the moment and capture that. Slowness in motherhood photography is actually good thing!

  • Being intentional with my business, what message I want to send out to my clients, my audience, my followers.

  • Being intentional with my own version of success, in business and in life. That means I have permission to do what my heart feels like doing and not to be afraid because others are and are not doing the same thing.

One more important thing that I took away is how to work my new film camera. I will save this for part 2 because talking about film is a whole other thing.


Besides all the feely/motherly and technical stuff, the experience that this workshop has brought me goes way further. I have met and connected with 10 amazing, most talented photographers across the US. They are the inspirations. Before the trip, I was worried about this networking part because you know, I’m an awkward person when it comes to conversing with new people. Thankfully, these women were so amazing that I didn’t have any troubles at all. We talked about so many things from photography, business, client experience to family. It was so fun and so wonderful!

Below are photos from one of the three sessions we did at the workshop. They are taken by my digital camera, as I’m sharing the film next week. Hope you enjoy them and please go give Alex some love. You will be glad you did!

With love,

