Tree Farm Sessions

With popular demand and my lucky last-minute found of a beautiful location, I’m so happy to announce that we’re doing another round of Tree Farm Sessions. Yay!!! I am really hoping for snow that weekend. You know, the classic white Christmas for your holiday card. So beautiful! However, even if it doesn’t, the location is so pretty that your photos will still turn out stunning.

Here are the details:

Date: December 5th, 2020

Location: Waterdown, ON (major intersection: Millgrove Side Rd and Concession 5 W.)

Time slot:

10:00am (BOOKED)

10:30am (BOOKED)

11:00am (BOOKED)


12:00pm (BOOKED)






Session Info:

  • 20 minutes

  • 10-15 edited images

  • Up to 5 people

  • A gallery to download

Cost: $185 (HST inld.)

** Turnaround time: 5-7 days

To book your spot, simply email us at with the time that you’re interested. We will then send you a registration form to be completed. There is a deposit of $100 to secure your spot and the remaining balance is due on the day of the session. If you have any questions, feel free to let us know.


Lucy XO